Saturday, July 12, 2008

DIY - Wedding season in full swing!

I don't have anyone in my life getting married right now, but I thought I would share this very "Project Ecolife" DIY - a wedding cake!

The step by step instructions are by Smitten Kitchen.

It looks fairly simple even for a novice. Save yourself, a family member or friend the very large expense of a wedding cake and share in a beautiful memory by making a wedding cake together!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Finally a positive outlook!

MSN posted this great article "10 Good Reasons To Love A Recession". This gave me renewed hope that world might turn out to be a better place because of this current economic situation.

On this same note TIME magazine did the same tupe of article: "10 Good Things About $4 gas".

I think I'll read these articles everyday until were out of this mess :)

Friday, July 4, 2008

Perfect parfaits and cheery sun tea

Is this adorable or what? I found these recipes from French Toast Girl over at Craftzine ( love that site ). That takes care of my dessert for today! I didn't want to have anything too heavy anyway - cupcakes don't go well with carne asada ). The suntea looks fun too. Maybe next weekend...
Have a safe day!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

DIY - Collage your plates

I found this great idea over at Cote De Texas. Go ahead, make a day of it and hit a few thrift shops. I'm sure you could fill a wall for a song...then you'll be singing 'cause you finally filled that blank wall!